You can print a signed agreement and put it in a folder. All signed documents receive a cover page...
Can you sign with eID (BankID) but not show the social security number in the file?
Absolutely, choose signing with BankID and mark the option "not to show the social security...
Is it possible to set the signature order?
Yes! Mail or SMS with an invitation to sign only goes out to person number two when person one has...
How long is an electronic signature valid?
In order for the signed document to be considered durable for a longer period of time, ETSI has...
If you get an error message when opening the file in Adobe?
Some versions of Adobe Reader may display an error message stating that the certificate is...
Is it possible to validate our signed documents?
Third Party Validation Anyone can validate our signed documents by opening them in the free...
Recommended PDF size PDF: max 3,5MB
We recommend a maximum total of 3.5 MB for the files to be signed. When signing, the original file...
Can the recipient download their copy of the signed document?
Yes, when everyone has signed, an email is sent out with a link where everyone can download their...
How does the e-signature service work?
Send an invitation to sign. The recipient can then review the document on their computer, mobile...
Can you send reminders?
It is fine to manually send out reminders if the recipient forgets to sign your document. You can...
What is the legal situation for electronic signatures?
The EU's eIDAS regulation, which entered into force on 1 July 2016, means that all EU countries...
What is PAdES?
In order for a signature to be considered secure and durable, it needs to be able to stand on its...